Friday, September 07, 2007

Management Perspectives - Blog perfomance review August 07

Another month, another performance review.

In my July perfomance review I mentioned that blog traffic had been well down because of irregular posting. This has continued to be something of a problem. Still, August traffic was well up from July, September traffic will pass August, so things are heading in the right direction.

Again, the pattern of top entry pages has changed.

After the front page, by far the most popular entry page was the Importance of Demography and Demographic Change - update. This stocktake post drew together various demographic posts as at 10 February 2007.

This was followed with a reasonable lag by Changes in Public Administration and their Impact on Public Policy 1 - Introduction. As the name says, this is the first post in a series and was in fact the lead entry post after the front page in July.

Then further back came five equal posts.

The first was a case study, RANZCO Setting the Standard - Developing Ophthalmic Competencies, looking (as the name said) at the development of ophthalmic competencies.

Then came A New Way of Ranking Universities by Student Experience, a post dealing with the development of a new measure of university rankings. The following post also dealt with higher education - Changes in Higher education - UNSW's Singapore Problems.

The last two equal entry points were both management related, Common Management Problems Series 1 - Dealing with poor performers 2 and the management techniques label.

One interesting feature of the month was the ratio between visitors and page views. Each visitor looked at an average of 1.9 pages. This is quite good.

Finally, and as an afterthought, the following graphic sets out traffic by country.

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