Monday, October 29, 2007

Management Perspectives Changes Direction

When this blog was set up twelve months ago, we had two objectives.

First, we wanted to use the blog to communicate among Ndarala members. This objective has simply not worked. We have multiple other communications devices.

Secondly, we saw the blog as a device for exposing some of our thinking to a wider audience. This one has worked, but not to the degree we hoped.

Part of the problem is that our people have just been so busy. A second problem is that some of the material that we have published has been too complex to work properly in a blog format.

As our perspective changed, we changed the blog name to Management Perspectives to better reflect our changing scope. Now we want to go the next step.

While there is a lot of business commentary and financial analysis, there is a lot less writing about business and management issues from a management perspective. This gap also gives us an opportunity to talk about some of the things that we do.

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